
Forney  点火器 404006-07 Horn Igniter

  • 样式:Forney  点火器 404006-07 Horn Igniter 
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Forney  点火器 404006-07 Horn Igniter


的特点是改进了高能火花点火器(HESI)、 光学火焰探测器和点火空 气分配环。



Forney’s Horn lgniter为切向燃烧燃烧器提供可靠的单燃料或双燃料点火和预热,



燃料: 2号油、丙烷或天然气

额定容量: 2- 4 MBtu (咨询工厂以获得更高的产量,最高可达15 MBtu)

燃油压力: 60-125磅/平方英寸

雾化介质压力: 25 psig压差超过油压


The Forney Horn Igniter is designed to be a direct replacement for the OEM igniter on tangentially fired boilers. This igniter features improvements such as the high energy spark igniter (HESI), optical flame detector and the ignition air distribution ring. These three features combine to produce a highly reliable igniter. The HESI produces a consistent spark due to its foul resistant design, while the optical detector proves flame without physical contact.‍

云联电气   询价 报价 njxj888@163.com

Yunlian Electric Technical Support Inquiry and Quotation njxj888@163.com

Forney’s Horn Igniter offers reliable single or dual fuel ignition and warm-up for tangentially fired burners and is designed for maximum flame stability and detection.


Fuel: No. 2 Oil, Propane or Natural Gas


Capacity Rating: 2 – 4 MBtu (consult factory for higher output, available up to 15 MBtu)

Fuel Pressure: 60 – 125 psig

Atomizing Media Pressure: 25 psig differential over oil pressure


Capacity Rating: 2 – 4 MBtu (consult factory for higher output, available up to 15 MBtu)

Fuel Pressure: 12 – 25 psig